The incredible story of Antarctica, the world’s most mysterious continent
Hannah Foster-Roe
22 March 2024
Freeze frame
All Canada Photos/Alamy
The stuff of legend
Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images
A tropical paradise?
Kevin Schafer/Alamy
Pole position
Peter Fitzgerald/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons
An inhospitable environment
Maarten Udema/Alamy
Wait… Antarctica is a desert?
Yegor Larin/Shutterstock
Ice, ice, baby
Captain Cook tried (and failed) to find land here
Nathaniel Dance-Holland/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons
So who was the first to 'discover' Antarctica?
Arterra Picture Library/Alamy
Other early expeditions
Edward Duncan; William John Huggins/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons
Entering the 'heroic era'
Race to the South Pole
State Library of New South Wales/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons
The fall of Scott of the Antarctic
Bettmann/Getty Images
Shackleton’s Endurance
Courtesy of Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust
Crossing the continent
Associated Press/Alamy
Women’s work
Associated Press/Alamy
Has any country ever laid claim to Antarctica?
Dan Leeth/Alamy
The continent is a designated natural reserve
But its wildlife wasn’t always so lucky
Animals of the Antarctic
All Canada Photos/Alamy
When did tourism come to Antarctica?
Jan Butchofsky/Alamy
Why is the Drake Passage so feared?
Nature Picture Library/Alamy
Antarctica is shrinking
There’s a surprising monument in the middle of the continent...
Cookson69/RicHard-59/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons
...and a giant lake buried beneath East Antarctica
Zina Deretsky/NSF/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons
There's a waterfall that runs with… blood?
Cavan Images/Alamy
There are only two active volcanoes on the continent
Rene Baars/Shutterstock
Fancy a job at the world’s most remote post office?
Eric Carr/Alamy
Weird records
STR/AFP via Getty Images
Freaky and fascinating facts
Colin Harris/era-images/Alamy
Visiting today
Randy Green/Alamy
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