30 world weather events that changed the course of history
Katie McGonagle
08 October 2024
Weather that shaped the world
Walt Cisco, Dallas Morning News/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
Winds help the Greeks win against Persia (480 BC)
Science History Images/Alamy
The might of Rome comes unstuck in the mud (AD 9)
Sunny Celeste/Alamy
Drought and deforestation spell the end of the Maya (AD 900)
Guillaume Angleraud/Shutterstock
A ‘kamikaze’ saves Japan from foreign invasion (1274)
Ottoman expansion is halted by rain (1529)
Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy
The Spanish Armada is wrecked by storms (1588)
Lakeview Images/Alamy
Rough seas force the Mayflower off course (1620)
Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
A long, hot summer lets the Great Fire of London burn (1666)
Museum of London/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
Salem Witch Trials take hold in the cold (1692-93)
Joseph E./Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
George Washington escapes in the fog of war (1776)
Alonzo Chappel/Album/Alamy
Colonial powers crippled by devastating hurricanes (1780)
Rigobert Bonne/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
Famine and freezing temperatures fuel the French Revolution (1789)
North Wind Picture Archives/Alamy
A slave revolt is rained off (1800)
Three Lions/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Napoleon underestimates the harsh Russian winter (1812)
Hulton Archive/Getty Images
A wet weather wait shifts the balance at Waterloo (1815)
Hippolyte Bellange/incamerastock/Alamy
The year without a summer sparks US migration (1816)
Giorgiogp2/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0
‘Blighty weather’ changes Ireland forever (1845)
The Print Collector/Alamy
London's 'Great Stink' heralds a new approach to public health (1858)
Punch Magazine/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
Mother-of-pearl clouds spur on modernist art (1893)
Dennis Hallinan/Alamy
A hurricane turns the tide in Texas (1900)
Everett Collection/Shutterstock
Glacial melt pushes iceberg toward Titanic (1912)
The Dust Bowl drives migration (1930s)
Science History Images/Alamy
Thunderstorms spark the Hindenburg (1937)
Everett Collection/Shutterstock
The miracle of the winds at Dunkirk (1940)
The Russian winter strikes again (1941)
Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo/Alamy
A weather forecast changes the world (1944)
CORBIS/Getty Images
Kokura escapes the atomic bomb (1945)
GL Archive/Alamy
A sunny afternoon spells disaster in Dallas (1963)
Walt Cisco, Dallas Morning News/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain
An Iranian haboob thwarts Carter’s re-election (1980)
Colin Davey/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Florida freeze hits Challenger shuttle disaster (1986)
Bob Pearson/AFP/Getty Images
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