Inside England's opulent palace Hitler wanted to call home
Lauren Weymouth
29 May 2024
Blenheim Palace in numbers
Blenheim Palace
Great Hall
Blenheim Palace
Running costs
Blenheim Palace
What it costs to visit
Blenheim Palace
Why Blenheim was built
Blenheim Palace
Government help for initial building
Blenheim Palace
Cost of finishing it
Blenheim Palace
Help from a heiress
Blenheim Palace
Open to the public
Blenheim Palace
A special palace
Blenheim Palace
Private apartments
Blenheim Palace
Number of staff...
Blenheim Palace
...and some of the jobs they do
Blenheim Palace
A setting for many movies
Blenheim Palace
Coveted by Hitler
Blenheim Palace
Churchill connections
Blenheim Palace
A grand garden
Blenheim Palace
Walled Gardens
Blenheim Palace
What Blenheim's worth today
Blenheim Palace
Living on the estate
Blenheim Palace
Fancy a private booking?
Blenheim Palace
Annual events
Blenheim Palace
Open all year
Blenheim Palace
An adventure for all the family
Blenheim Palace
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