Sponsored: e-Visa's tips for exploring India in winter

From vibrant festivals to ski resorts, see a different side of India with e-Visa's tips for a visit in the winter season.

In the last few weeks, the Indian e-visa was recently made available again to UK citizens. After the country closed its borders in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible to travel to India for regular tourism or business events. From November 2021, borders did begin to reopen, and country after country became able to apply for an Indian visa online once more. However, after a few months, it became apparent that while many countries like Germany, the United States and the Netherlands were able to apply for the electronic Indian visa, UK citizens remained unable to do so. 

Finally, in December 2022, the Indian government announced that it would once again be possible to visit the country as a UK citizen. This is great news as many travellers living in the UK either have family in India, or simply want to travel there to visit the destination’s many beautiful and popular spots. Winter can be a great time to visit, with much of the country enjoying a tropical climate, while other areas are blanketed in snow. 

Here are two places you can enjoy India’s winter in different ways.

Rann Utsav Festival, Rann of Kutch

This stretch of desert is quite special and the views are spectacular. You can see nothing but cracked earth and white sand stretching for miles, while throughout, there are oases where you can spot flamingos. During the winter months, the famous Rann Utsav festival takes place, where you can gather and watch folk music, dancing and artisans at work. 

At the festival, which takes place from late October to late February each year, you can rent a tent and stay within the famous Tent City, where festivalgoers congregate to soak in the culture and activities. Activities range from rock climbing and hand gliding to stargazing in the desert and wildlife spotting. There are many traditional performances by locals too, where you can see art and dance. Don’t miss the markets where you can buy local artwork, especially Kutchie embroidery and tie dye. 

Artisans at the Rann Utsav Festival, India. (Image: REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo)REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo

The weather at this time of year lends itself perfectly to these activities – daytime temperatures can be between 23-28 °C, while things cool down to around 14 °C in the evening. These months are quite dry, so expect plenty of sunshine while you explore and enjoy activities. Many travellers want to visit the festival during the full moon, when the white stands of the desert look especially incredible. Others like to visit when there is no moon at all, to be able to enjoy some wonderful stargazing. 

Rain of Kutch, India (Image: Krunal Lakhatariya/Unsplash)Krunal Lakhatariya/Unsplash

Visiting Rann of Kutch during the Rann Utsav festival is truly a marvel. You will forget it is winter while watching colourfully dressed locals celebrating this elaborate festival, eating local cuisine, all in beautiful desert weather. It is also a very communal experience – while you are out in the middle of nowhere, there are other like-minded people enjoying the beauty with you, and that creates a glorious sense of community. 

Camel at the Rann Utsav festival, India. (Image: Hair Nandakumar/Unsplash)Hari Nandakumar/Unsplash

Skiing in Himachal Pradesh

A traditional winter holiday isn’t what most would imagine for an India getaway, but it is certainly possible with a skiing trip to the Himalayas. Part of the Himalayas are located in Himachal Pradesh, an area blessed with many beautiful cities, both in the valleys of the Himalayas as well as in its mountain peaks. 

There are a few cities within Himachal Pradesh where you can ski and one of the most popular is Kufri, which hosts a winter sports festival every February. While it is a more touristy location, it still provides incomparable views and there is also plenty of accommodation for families, whatever their ski level. 

Narkanda skiing, India. (Image: Dinodia Photos/Alamy Stock Photo) Dinodia Photos/Alamy Stock Photo

Another great spot is Narkanda, one of the oldest ski destinations in India. A rather sleepy village for most of the year, in the winter months it becomes a popular destination for snow and ski. The city itself is located approximately 2.7m above sea level. Even just the drive there is filled with breathtaking landscapes, with amazing views of the valleys below. Both Narkanda and Kufri are buried in a thick sheet of snow in the winter months, especially in January and February, so skiing will be ideal in both spots.

An Indian visa for your trip

Now that the Indian e-visa is available to most countries once again, planning a trip to India has gotten much easier. The Indian visa is easy to apply for with the online form. It will ask a few questions about yourself and your family, as well as some background information. Once you have applied, you can provide a photo of your passport and of yourself. 

If you are travelling with a group, a group application makes things much easier. Much of the information only needs to be filled in once, and there can be one person in control of the applications, making it ideal for families as well as friends travelling together. The Indian visa is also valid for 30 days from approval, allowing for a whole month to enjoy the country’s landscapes in winter – or at any time of year. 

 Lead image: Schita/Alamy Stock Photo


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